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Remember when your mom said video games will rot your brains?



Lessons from Super Mario: Game Design Thinking 


A (free) Mini-Course from the Peace Innovation Network



What makes video games so engaging? And how do we get people to be as invested in other things as they are in games?

Over the course of the next XX days, we’ll be covering the 3 key lessons we can learn from video games: 

  • Core Engagement Loops: How do people make decisions and how can we help them make better ones?

  • Engagement Journey: Why do people continue engaging with something over time, and how can we give them what they need when they need it? And, how do we get them to stick around?

  • Outcome-Based Design: Beginning with the end, and why it’s important when designing for people

Together we’ll be looking at how you can apply strategies from game design thinking to your own business, or product.


Here’s what you get:

  • XX modules covering the core tenets of Game Design Thinking

  • A community to discuss your ideas and get feedback as you work through the modules

  • Guided worksheets to help you adapt the strategies to your own business

  • A live Q&A session with Margarita Quihuis, CEO of the Peace Innovation Institute