Peace Innovation Institute

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Peace Innovation Network Member Profile - Leah Solorio

Leah Solorio

Entrepreneur, creative leader, careers expert, and visionary looking to transform the job seeking process.

Leah’s Path

Leah began her professional career as an internship and placement coordinator in vocational education, promoted to career coach position within local government. In her 25 years as a career consultant she has acquired a diverse range of experiences in the career industry as a leader, speaker, trainer, and recruiter working with employer relations, business development, and account management for both government and private sector. As a speaker, Leah has delivered insight and inspiration on topics related to careers and employment such as developing resumes, personal branding, job search strategies, and interview techniques for thousands of job seekers in Silicon Valley.  She has works with a spectrum of clients of all ages and ethnic backgrounds who struggle to communicate their value, are in career transition, or are looking to gain career clarity, confidence and demonstrative results.

One of Leah’s superpowers is networking. She has consulted with and maintains solid long-term business relationships in staffing/recruiting including hundreds of CEOs, executive directors and human resources professionals in Silicon Valley.

Leah knows how to make things happen within the career industry, while maintaining her signature ‘soft touch.’ Her down-to-earth, heart-centered style, keen intellect, observational awareness, makes Leah approachable and easy to work with. Whether building relationships with Human Resource professionals, hiring managers or her clients, Leah makes people feel important because to her, they are important. Leah develops trust and delivers her best in everything she does.  Leah lives in the moment with a unique view of the future, she is aware that many of the vocations people need to prepare for are not invented yet. She prepares the whole person to be adaptable and creative in accepting new vocational challenges and opportunity.

Leah is a dedicated lifelong learner who is always staying current on the latest career trends.  She is a Certified Digital Branding Strategist

Why PIN Bootcamp?

Leah joined PIN Bootcamp to “follow her dreams and vision to launch a website, and app that helps job seekers in a way that has yet to be done”.

Leah’s Aspirations

Leah aspires to impact millions of job seekers with her platform because she understands the stress job seekers experience when starting a career search. She has successfully helped thousands of job seekers in Silicon Valley and she is aiming to expand her reach and impact the next level.

A Bit More About Leah

When Leah isn’t working, you can find her tapping into her creativity through photography which she turns into greeting cards.  She treasures her family and friends and enjoys relaxing days at the spa, purchasing flowers, and collecting hearts in nature. Those close to Leah describe her as magnetic, embodiment of confidence, passionate, outgoing, inspiring, positive traits she uses to inspire others.  She currently resides in Silicon Valley in Northern California, USA.


When Leah’s new website is up and running, we will share it with you!