Peace Innovation Institute

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Peace Innovation Network Member Profile - Christel De Maeyer

Christel’s Path

Christel has been a part of the  technology industry since the 80’s and holds a Masters degree in Communication Science, New Media, and Society in Europe.  She has been actively involved in education and been employed in academia for the past 13 years, before she had her own company. Currently, she is a lecturer  and researcher at Artevelde University College of Applied Science.  

Why PIN Bootcamp?

Through her research at the Artevelde University College of Applied Science, Christel and her team have been developing a chatbot ‘Breathie’ for the past few years. ‘Breathie’ is an AI chatbot that is targeted towards helping entrepreneurs relieve stress. As she moved into the demo phase of her work with ‘Breathie’ she thought it was the perfect time to join Bootcamp and get a fresh perspective and environment to continue developing the ‘Breathie’ product. 

Christel’s Aspirations

As ‘Breathie’ has a lot of potential, especially in the period we are experiencing today‘ she hopes to expand to an international team of investors and continue to scale her business. 

A Bit More About Christel

Christel currently resides in Belgium.  Her passions and interests include traveling for “it is always such a humbling  experience to travel to places which are very different than your own habitat”. She is a photographer and loves taking pictures of her many travels. A big part of Christel is that she is an observer of the world. She wants to understand why people are doing what they are doing and what drives them. 

For more information about Christel, check out her website: 
You can also connect with her on  LinkedIn.