Peace Innovation Institute

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A Decade of Positive Change

2019 has come to a close and we have witnessed a remarkable decade of political, social and ecological change. While many of us are entering the new decade with uncertain futures, compounded by political and climate instability, it is important to rewind and reflect on the past decade of technological and social innovations that have transformed the world.

As the decade concludes, we want to take you on a journey of the 11 biggest innovations that have given us hope and optimism to continue our fight for a fairer and just world in the coming decade. Are you ready?

1. Lifestraw (2010): An award-winning innovation, the LifeStraw is a personal "straw" filter for outdoor sports, survival, and emergencies that make water safe for drinking. Since its design, it has been deployed for humanitarian support purposes during the 2010 Haitian earthquake,2010 Pakistan floods and 2011 Thailand floods, among other crises
2. Raspberry Pi (2012):  Raspberry Pi acts as an affordable yet capable tiny desktop computer. Through tinkering and effective content integration, Raspberry Pi has been used to provide low-cost tech content in low-income contexts.
3. Ethereum (2013): Created by Vitalik Buterin in 2013, Ethereum is a decentralized blockchain-based computing platform and operating system featuring smart contract functionality. This innovation has added a dynamic layer of complexity and functionality in the realm of blockchain.
4. Cultured Meat (2013): As meat consumptions add more pressure on scarce resources, scientists have tinkered with lab-grown meat with the first proof of concept developed in 2013. Since then, many versions od cultured meat such as Impossible Burgers and Beyond Burger ranges started hitting commercial stores and chains raising important questions on the future of meat.
5. HeartFlow (2014):  HeartFlow, although founded in 2007, in the past decade, has been using deep learning to improve how we test and treat coronary artery disease addressing one of the leading diseases plaguing humanity.
6. The Seabin Project (2015): Two avid water lovers created the "Seabin" that collects trash, oil, fuel, and detergents through floating bins from the ocean. This innovation couldn’t come sooner with our oceans in crisis due to human activity.
7. Protect RAPID (Real-time Anti-Poaching Intelligence Device) (2015): To combat poaching, scientists have combined a GPS satellite collar with a heart rate monitor and video camera, broadcasting 24/7 real-time information to alert anti-poaching.
8. Tempus (2015): With the assistance of AI, Tempus provides precision medicine that personalizes and optimizes treatments to each individual’s specific health needs; relying on data from genetic makeup to past medical history supporting physicians to make better diagnoses.
9. Tesla Powerwall (2015): Powerwalls are rechargeable battery stationary energy storage products to be used for home energy storage and allows consumers to save money while putting less stress on local power plants.
10. eSight 3 (2017): eSight is a wearable medical device designed to improve the functional vision of those living with low vision or legal blindness, creating a crystal clear real-time image.
11. CRISPR: With the potential to revolutionize everything from health to agriculture, CRISPR or Cas 9 is a powerful gene-editing tool that can control which genes get expressed in plants, animals, and even humans. Just 2019 alone witnessed various applications of CRISPR technology in several fields from its use in space to human subjects.

The common thread running through many of the innovations is the role of emerging technologies in improving our lives while keeping its perils at bay. Still, there’s work to be done.

What innovations would you add to your list?

With warm wishes for a new decade,

Margarita & Mark