Peace Innovation Institute

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Pax Exchange is a catalyst for positive social engagement

We create a marketplace where we bring together leading tech companies, city officials and social entrepreneurs to find smarter and cheaper solutions to increase positive engagement.

Pax Exchange is a joint initiative by the Innogy Innovation Hub and the Peace Innovation Lab at Stanford

We are accepting a limited number of pre-launch partners. Tech company executive  or City official? Sign up here to apply.



For tech companies

Unlock the true value of your user interaction data

Increase positive citizen engagement at a fraction of the cost

Your business increases trust between people, by enabling their interactions. For the first time in history, companies like yours are capturing this interaction data. Both the data and the trust you create are very valuable. Right now you are losing most of that value.

The Pax Exchange platform uses the anonymized and aggregated data about the interactions your business enables, to make your positive societal impact visible and auditable. Showing your positive impact in society increases your value for your customers, employees, investors and regulators.

Your city is unique. For city officials, Pax Exchange helps you pinpoint your city’s distinct problems and opportunities, based on citizen interaction data. Pax Exchange lets you deliver tailored solutions designed by, with, and for your community—while boosting the local economy.

On the Pax Exchange platform, you can place a challenge and attach a results-based reward, allowing local entrepreneurs to think of measurable solutions—for a fraction of the cost compared to conventional solutions, while keeping resources in your community.


For city officials

Increase positive citizen engagement at a fraction of the cost

Your city is unique. For city officials, Pax Exchange helps you pinpoint your city’s distinct problems and opportunities, based on citizen interaction data. Pax Exchange lets you deliver tailored solutions designed by, with, and for your community—while boosting the local economy.

On the Pax Exchange platform, you can place a challenge and attach a results-based reward, allowing local entrepreneurs to think of measurable solutions—for a fraction of the cost compared to conventional solutions, while keeping resources in your community.

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